July 6 2022

InnoDB vs MyISAM: A detailed comparison of two MySQL storage engines

If you are wondering how to increase the performance of your site, you need to pay attention to the two MySQL storage engines


If you are looking to optimize the performance of MySQL databases for your software, It is critical to understand the differences between InnoDB and MyISAM, two of MySQL's most popular storage engines. Choosing between these engines can significantly affect the performance and efficiency of your database. It is therefore essential to explore the features and capabilities of each in detail to determine which one best suits your software's specific needs.

Every technical detail plays a crucial role in the success of a project. With the ever-increasing need to manage large amounts of data, selecting a database that can effectively handle long-term storage requirements is critical. For a Solution Architect, the decision to choose between different databases is never trivial. This choice requires careful analysis and detailed comparison to identify the solution best suited to the needs of the project.

In our blog, we will dive into the world of InnoDB and MyISAM, exploring these two extremely popular storage engines in MySQL in depth. We will discuss their specificities, analyzing the differences between MyISAM and InnoDB through seven critical factors that distinguish them. This comparison will help us better understand what their strengths and weaknesses are, allowing you to make an informed and strategic choice for your database.

Understanding what MySQL is

MySQL is a popular open source relational database management system (RDBMS) that has earned a prominent place in both academic and professional circles across the world. This software, available for free under the GNU Public License, also offers a premium proprietary version, making it accessible to a wide range of users with different needs and requirements. The history of MySQL begins with the original development by Michael Widenius at MySQL AB, a Swedish company that helped lay the foundation for its growth and popularity.

Over the years, MySQL has gone through several acquisition phases. In 2012, Sun Microsystems acquired MySQL AB, marking a major change in ownership. Subsequently, Oracle Corporation purchased Sun Microsystems, bringing MySQL under its broad umbrella. These acquisitions had a significant impact on the development and deployment of MySQL, influencing its evolution in the database landscape.

The versatility of MySQL is evident in its wide application in different fields. Based on SQL (Structured Query Language), MySQL is used in a variety of applications, from managing complex data to simple information storage. Its popularity is further strengthened by its use in some of the most visited and well-known websites globally, such as Twitter, Facebook, Mediawiki, YouTube and Flickr, a testament to its reliability and capabilities.

Furthermore, MySQL's impact and influence extend far beyond its original code. It gave rise to numerous forks, the best known of which are MariaDB and Percona Server. These forks represent adaptations and evolutions of the original software, providing users with alternatives with unique and specific features to meet different needs. This proliferation of forks has helped keep the MySQL ecosystem alive, demonstrating its flexibility and ability to adapt over time.

Understanding the main features of MySQL

Understanding the key features of MySQL is essential to fully exploit its capabilities in any application setting.

  • Ease of use: The simplicity of MySQL is reflected in its ease of download and installation, making it a very accessible database management system. Anyone from developers to small businesses can visit the official website, download the software, and get started almost immediately thanks to clear, step-by-step instructions. Its intuitive interface and numerous support tools contribute to a smooth and obstacle-free user experience.
  • Scalability: MySQL stands out for its extremely scalable architecture, capable of adapting to the growing needs of an organization. It provides fast loading utilities to handle large data volumes and supports a variety of memory caches that improve performance. This makes it suitable for both small applications and large enterprises with huge data sets.
  • Compatibility: MySQL's versatility also extends to its compatibility with different operating platforms. Whether you're using Windows, Linux, or Unix, MySQL will adapt seamlessly to your system, ensuring a seamless experience across various development and production environments.
  • Data security: Security is a priority for MySQL, which includes a robust set of features to protect your data. This system carefully manages access to authorized users through a sophisticated permissions system and encryption, ensuring that information is safe from unauthorized access and vulnerabilities.
  • Affordable: One of the most attractive aspects of MySQL is its zero cost. It is available for free download worldwide, making it a valuable resource for users who need a powerful database management system but without additional financial burden. This feature makes it particularly attractive to startups, students and non-profit organizations looking to maximize their technology resources with limited budgets.

What is MyISAM?

MyISAM, short for “My Indexed Sequential Access Method,” is a historic and significant storage engine in the context of MySQL. Originally conceived as an evolution of the Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) algorithm, MyISAM has long been the default storage engine for MySQL, playing a crucial role in the evolution of the database management system.

The history of MyISAM begins in the early years of MySQL's development, when it was introduced as an improvement over its predecessor ISAM. The ISAM algorithm, known for its simplicity and speed in data management, has been further optimized in MyISAM to address the emerging needs of modern databases. This made MyISAM particularly suitable for web environments, data warehousing and analytical applications, thanks to its ability to handle large data sets with greater efficiency.

Until December 2009, MyISAM was the default storage engine in MySQL. During this time, it gained wide popularity for its efficiency in indexing and reading speed, making it ideal for read-heavy operations. However, as the need for more robust transactions and data security has risen, MyISAM has begun to exhibit some limitations, most notably the lack of support for ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions and less efficient data management. competition.

In December 2009, InnoDB replaced MyISAM with InnoDB as the default storage engine in MySQL. This change marked a major turning point, since InnoDB it offered advanced features such as support for ACID transactions, crash recovery, and improved concurrency management, which had become essential for modern database applications.

Despite its replacement as the default engine, MyISAM remains a popular choice for specific use cases, especially in scenarios where read operations are predominant and transaction management is not a priority. Its small data footprint still makes it an effective choice for data warehousing and some web applications, especially those that don't require complex transactional functionality.

What is InnoDB?

InnoDB represents a major leap in the evolution of MySQL storage engines, providing advanced transaction management and data security capabilities. As an ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliant storage engine, InnoDB revolutionized the approach to data management in MySQL, placing a greater emphasis on transaction security and data integrity.

InnoDB's history begins in the early 2000s as an alternative to existing storage engines like MyISAM. Designed to deliver more robust and reliable transaction management, InnoDB quickly established itself as the preferred choice for applications requiring greater data security and transaction management. Its core features, such as commit, rollback, and crash recovery capabilities, provided a solid foundation for protecting user data and ensuring fault tolerance.

One of InnoDB's defining features is its use of row-level locking and consistent non-blocking read, which significantly increases concurrency and performance in multi-user environments. This approach contrasts with the table-level locking used in MyISAM, allowing InnoDB to handle parallel operations more efficiently.

In terms of data storage, InnoDB uses clustered indexes based on primary keys, which optimizes I/O for common queries. This indexing structure is particularly effective in reducing data access time, thus improving overall query performance. Additionally, support for FOREIGN KEY referential integrity constraints helps maintain data integrity and manage relationships between different tables more effectively.

With the introduction of MySQL 5.5, InnoDB took on an even more central role, becoming the default storage engine. This change marked a recognition of its superiority in terms of reliability, transaction management and performance, making it particularly suitable for managing large datasets and for applications that handle structured and relational data. Its reliability and performance capabilities have made it an ideal engine for content management systems and other critical business applications.

The transition from MyISAM to InnoDB as the default engine had a profound impact on the development of MySQL, highlighting the shift from a more read-oriented database model to one that prioritizes transaction security and data integrity. Over the years, InnoDB has continued to evolve, with updates and improvements that have further strengthened its capabilities and its position as one of the most reliable and high-performance database storage engines on the market.

MyISAM vs. InnoDB

Now that we have a basic understanding of MyISAM and InnoDB, let's compare them on various factors:

  • MyISAM vs InnoDB: type of storage engine
  • MyISAM vs InnoDB: block
  • MyISAM vs InnoDB: foreign keys and referential integrity
  • MyISAM vs InnoDB: ACID property
  • MyISAM vs InnoDB: performance
  • MyISAM vs InnoDB: reliability
  • MyISAM vs InnoDB: caching and indexing

1. MyISAM vs InnoDBstorage: type of engine

MyISAM – Non-Transactional Storage:

  • MyISAM is known as a non-transactional storage engine. In this context, “non-transactional” means that it does not support transactional operations like those provided by InnoDB.
  • In a non-transactional system, changes to data (such as insertions, updates, or deletions) are applied and saved directly to the database without the possibility of automatic rollback in the event of an error or interruption.
  • This means that, in the event of a system crash or errors during the execution of write operations, the user must intervene manually to restore or correct the data.
  • While this may seem like a limitation, for some applications, especially those that do not require complex transactions or where speed and simplicity are priorities, MyISAM may be an adequate choice.

InnoDB – Transactional Storage:

  • In contrast to MyISAM, InnoDB is a transactional storage engine, meaning it supports full transactions while adhering to ACID standards.
  • Transaction operations in InnoDB allow groups of read and write operations to be performed safely and consistently. If a transaction fails, for example due to a system crash or an error, InnoDB can automatically perform a rollback, canceling any incomplete operations and thus maintaining the integrity of the data.
  • This level of security in write operations is essential for applications where data consistency and integrity are critical, such as in financial systems, e-commerce, or any other system where data errors can have serious consequences.
  • InnoDB's transactional support makes it suitable for applications that require complex operations, advanced transaction management, and high reliability.

2. MyISAM vs InnoDB storage: locking


Exploring the differences between MyISAM and InnoDB in terms of locking mechanisms highlights one of the main functional distinctions between these two storage engines:

  1. MyISAM – Table Level Locking:
    • MyISAM employs a table-level locking mechanism. This means that when a user or process performs a write operation (insert, update, delete) on a table, the entire table is locked.
    • In practice, this prevents other users or processes from performing write operations on the same table at the same time, even if they concern different rows. Read operations can still be performed, but may encounter delays if waiting for write operations to complete.
    • Table-level locking is generally simpler and requires less memory than row-level locking. However, it can lead to performance issues in high concurrency environments, where multiple users or processes need to modify the table at the same time.
    • This type of locking is more efficient in scenarios where the database is predominantly read, such as in informational websites or online catalogues.
  2. InnoDB – Row Level Locking:
    • In contrast, InnoDB uses row-level locking. This means that during a write operation, only the specific rows affected by the operation are locked, leaving other rows in the table available for further read or write operations.
    • Row-level locking reduces the risk of conflicts and delays, allowing for greater concurrency. This makes it particularly suitable for applications with a high number of transactions and write operations, such as e-commerce systems or enterprise applications.
    • However, row-level locking is more complex and requires more memory than table-level locking. Additionally, it may be more prone to phenomena such as “deadlocking” in scenarios with many concurrent write operations.
    • This approach is advantageous in environments with frequent read and write operations, where the ability to maintain high performance and reduce wait times is crucial.

3. MyISAM vs InnoDB storage: foreign keys or foreign keys and referential integrity.


Foreign key and referential integrity management is a critical component of relational database design. These concepts play a crucial role in maintaining data consistency and reliability within databases. The difference in support for these features between MyISAM and InnoDB is significant:

  1. Foreign Keys and Referential Integrity in InnoDB:
    • InnoDB fully supports the use of foreign keys. A foreign key is a column in one table that creates a referential link with a corresponding column in another table. This mechanism ensures that data between tables is consistent and that relationships between them are maintained.
    • Referential integrity in InnoDB ensures that data in related tables remains in sync. For example, if a record in a master table is deleted or modified, the corresponding changes can be automatically applied to linked tables through foreign keys, such as cascading deletes and updates.
    • This functionality is particularly important in complex databases where data reliability and consistency are crucial. It supports the creation of robust relational databases, where relationships between different tables are clearly defined and managed.
  2. No Support for Foreign Keys in MyISAM:
    • Unlike InnoDB, MyISAM does not support foreign keys or referential integrity. This means that in a MyISAM database, relationships between different tables must be managed at the application level rather than at the database level.
    • The absence of foreign keys in MyISAM means that there are no automated checks at the database level to ensure that changes in one table are consistent with data in another. This can lead to situations where data consistency between linked tables is at risk.
    • However, this limitation may be less relevant in scenarios where complex relationships between tables are not necessary or where simplicity and speed of reading are more important than referential integrity.

The choice between MyISAM and InnoDB can be driven by whether or not you need to implement referential integrity in your database. If your project requires robust management of table relationships with referential integrity constraints, InnoDB is the best choice. On the other hand, for applications that do not require complex management of table relationships and that prioritize reading speed, MyISAM may be adequate.

4. MyISAM vs InnoDB storage: ACID properties


The distinction between MyISAM and InnoDB in terms of property support ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Insulation and Durability) is critical to understanding their differences in data and transaction management:

  1. MyISAM – Lack of ACID Support:
    • MyISAM does not support ACID properties. This means that in MyISAM, data operations are not atomic, consistent, isolated, or durable in the way they are handled.
    • In MyISAM, if a data manipulation (DML) operation such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE is interrupted, the operation stops immediately. This can leave data in a partially updated state, where some rows have changed while others have not, with no way to automatically restore the operation to its previous state.
    • This approach may be sufficient for simple applications that do not require robust transaction management or where data consistency in the event of outages is not a critical concern.
  2. InnoDB – Full Support for ACID Properties:
    • In contrast, InnoDB offers full support for ACID properties, which are crucial for reliably managing transactions in a database.
    • With InnoDB, transactions are treated as atomic units of work. This means that a set of DML statements is executed completely or not at all. In the event of an outage or error, the system can roll back to the last consistent state, thus ensuring data consistency.
    • Transaction isolation in InnoDB prevents concurrent operations on shared data from interfering with each other, maintaining data integrity during parallel operations.
    • Durability ensures that once a transaction is completed and confirmed, changes to the data are permanent, even in the event of a system crash.
    • Additionally, InnoDB offers crash recovery capabilities, ensuring that the database can recover to a consistent and reliable state after an unexpected outage.

The choice between MyISAM and InnoDB may be driven by the need for robust ACID properties. For applications that require management of many transactions, where data consistency and reliability are essential, InnoDB is a far superior choice. This engine is ideal for critical production environments and for applications that cannot tolerate data loss or inconsistencies. On the other hand, MyISAM can be adapted to lighter applications, where such strict transactional guarantees are not necessary.

5. MyISAM vs InnoDB storage: performance

MyISAM VS InnoDB Benchmark

Performance analysis between MyISAM and InnoDB highlights their key differences and the optimal usage scenarios for each:

  1. InnoDB – Optimized Performance for Transactions and Writing:
    • InnoDB is designed to deliver high performance in transactional environments. With support for rollback and commit operations, it is particularly effective in handling complex write operations and transactions that require reliability and consistency.
    • InnoDB performance is optimized to handle large volumes of data, particularly in scenarios that require frequent updates and inserts. This makes it an ideal choice for database applications where the speed and reliability of write operations are crucial.
    • In multi-user environments with many parallel write and read operations, InnoDB handles concurrency better thanks to its row-level locking system, which reduces the risk of contention and improves overall efficiency.
  2. MyISAM – Optimized Performance for Reading:
    • MyISAM, not supporting transactional properties, is generally faster at read operations than InnoDB. This makes it suitable for applications and websites where read operations are predominant and writes are less frequent.
    • However, in terms of managing large volumes of data, especially in contexts with frequent updates or inserts, MyISAM may not perform as well as InnoDB. Its table-level locking architecture can lead to bottlenecks in high-concurrency environments.
    • MyISAM can be an efficient choice for static databases or “read-heavy” workloads, such as data stores, catalogs or websites that do not require frequent updates.

Selecting between MyISAM and InnoDB for performance should be based on the nature of the database operations you plan to perform. For applications that require robust transaction management, high reliability in write operations, and efficient management of large volumes of data, InnoDB is the preferred choice. For applications with a more read-oriented workload and more limited write needs, MyISAM may offer better performance. The decision should therefore be based on a careful evaluation of the specific requirements of the application and the expected workload.

6. MyISAM vs InnoDB storage: reliability

Reliability is a crucial aspect when choosing a storage engine for MySQL. Comparing MyISAM and InnoDB in this aspect, significant differences emerge:

  1. InnoDB – High Reliability Thanks to Transactional Logs:
    • InnoDB is renowned for its high reliability, especially due to the use of a transactional log. This log records all data modification operations, such as insertions, updates and deletions.
    • This feature is especially useful in case of system failures or crashes. Using transactional logs, InnoDB can restore the database to its most recent and consistent state, reducing the risk of data loss or corruption.
    • InnoDB's approach to transaction management and logging is aligned with ACID properties, which ensure atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability of operations. This makes it a reliable option for applications that require maximum data integrity and security.
  2. MyISAM – Lower Reliability and Risk of Data Damage:
    • Unlike InnoDB, MyISAM does not provide the same level of reliability, mainly because it does not support ACID transactions nor does it have a transactional logging system.
    • In the event of hardware failure, power outages or system crashes, MyISAM is more vulnerable to data corruption. Because it does not record changes transactionally, it is not possible to automatically restore data to the last consistent state after a crash.
    • This vulnerability may be a limiting factor for the use of MyISAM in critical applications where data integrity is of paramount importance. In such scenarios, a failure could lead to significant data loss or require manual intervention to recover.

In summary, InnoDB is generally considered much more reliable than MyISAM, especially in contexts where data integrity and security are of primary importance. Its use of transactional logs to record database operations provides robust protection against data loss and facilitates recovery in the event of failures. In contrast, MyISAM, while suitable for applications with less stringent reliability requirements, presents greater risks in terms of data integrity and may not be the ideal choice for systems that require a high degree of reliability and data security.

7. MyISAM vs InnoDB storage: caching and indexing

Looking at caching and indexing between MyISAM and InnoDB highlights some of their key differences, particularly relevant to query management and optimization:

  1. InnoDB – Full-Text Indexing Support in Newer Versions:
    • In the past, one of InnoDB's limitations was its lack of support for full-text indexing, a feature that allows efficient searches of large text fields. However, this limitation has been overcome since MySQL version 5.6.4.
    • With the introduction of full-text indexing in InnoDB, users can now benefit from advanced text searches without compromising InnoDB's other robust features, such as ACID properties and transaction reliability.
    • While some applications may still use older versions of MySQL that do not support this functionality in InnoDB, migrating to newer versions of MySQL is generally recommended to take full advantage of InnoDB's advanced capabilities, including full-text indexing.
  2. MyISAM – Historical Support for Full-Text Indexing:
    • MyISAM has long supported full-text indexing, making it a popular choice for applications that required efficient text searches before such support was available in InnoDB.
    • However, with improvements and additions to newer versions of InnoDB, using MyISAM for this functionality alone has become less justifiable. InnoDB's overall capabilities, especially in terms of transaction management and reliability, make it a better choice in most cases.
    • It is important to note that MyISAM tables that use full-text indexing cannot be directly converted to InnoDB tables. This can pose a challenge when migrating from MyISAM to InnoDB, requiring dedicated migration planning and strategy to preserve full-text search functionality and optimize performance.

While MyISAM has long offered support for full-text indexing, more recent versions of MySQL have extended this functionality to InnoDB as well, overcoming one of the main historical limitations of this engine. With its advanced capabilities and increased reliability, InnoDB is now a more versatile and robust choice for most applications, even those that require advanced text searches. Migration to newer versions of MySQL that support full-text indexing in InnoDB is therefore recommended to take full advantage of its capabilities.

How to check if you are using MyISAM or InnoDB

To check whether your MySQL database is using MyISAM or InnoDB, there are several methods you can follow. Here is a detailed guide on how to proceed:

  1. Using MySQL Shell:
    • Launch MySQL Shell and connect to your MySQL server.
    • Once connected, list the available databases using the command SHOW DATABASES;. This command will show you all the databases present in your MySQL server.
    • Choose the database whose tables you want to check and connect to it using the command USE database_name; where database_name is the name of your database.
    • After selecting the database, you will receive a confirmation that you are now connected to that particular database.
    • To view specific information about a table, including the storage engine used, use the command SHOW CREATE TABLE table_name;, Where table_name is the name of your table. This command will show details such as the table structure and associated storage engine.
  2. Using PhpMyAdmin:
    • If you're using PhpMyAdmin, a popular web-based database management tool for MySQL, the process is even easier.
    • Login to your PhpMyAdmin and select the database you want to inspect.
    • On the database page, you will have a list of the tables present in that database. Next to each table name, there will also be the type of storage engine used.
    • This view allows you to quickly and easily see whether a specific table uses MyISAM, InnoDB, or another storage engine.

In either method, you will be able to clearly identify which storage engine is in use for each of your tables in MySQL. This is especially useful if you need to plan a migration from MyISAM to InnoDB or vice versa, or simply for general database testing and optimization.


When is it best to use MyISAM and when you should use InnoDB

Choosing between MyISAM and InnoDB for your MySQL storage engine depends on a number of key factors related to the specific needs of your database and the environment in which it is used. Let's analyze in detail when it might be more appropriate to choose one over the other.

Using MyISAM:

  • MyISAM, despite being older than InnoDB, has some features that may make it suitable for certain scenarios. One of the significant aspects of MyISAM is its isolated nature: a problem in one MyISAM table does not propagate to other tables or databases. This can be useful in environments where several tables operate independently.
  • In contexts where read operations are predominant and complex transactions are not a necessity, such as in some information websites or data stores, MyISAM can offer good performance.
  • MyISAM can be a suitable choice for servers hosting multiple websites where each site works independently and does not require complex transactional operations or high concurrency. This independence ensures that a problem in one table does not affect the entire database or other sites hosted on the same server.

Using InnoDB:

  • InnoDB is generally preferred for most modern applications, especially in web environments like WordPress, e-commerce like Prestashop or Magento, where robust transaction management and high reliability are essential.
  • InnoDB's superior write performance and its architecture that supports row-level locking make it ideal for applications with a high frequency of transactions or data updates. This is especially relevant for e-commerce sites or CMS platforms, where transactions and data updates are frequent and critical to the integrity of the site.
  • InnoDB's ability to reduce memory usage on the server and its greater efficiency in complex operations make it a more sustainable choice for applications that require scalability and efficient resource management.
  • However, it is important to note that although InnoDB offers greater guarantees in terms of data integrity, a problem in one InnoDB table could have implications on other InnoDB tables in the same database. As a result, it is crucial to implement a robust and regular backup strategy to prevent data loss.

The decision about which storage engine to use should be based on a thorough evaluation of the specific needs of your project or application. If read performance and simplicity are major concerns and complex transactions are not required, MyISAM may be adequate. In all other cases, especially for modern web applications, e-commerce and CMS, InnoDB is the recommended choice, offering optimal performance, scalability and reliable transaction management.

How to convert MyISAM to InnoDB

Converting MyISAM to InnoDB can be quite useful if, for example, you encounter a previous MyISAM table that needs to be converted to match your current InnoDB environment.

How to convert all MyISAM tables to InnoDB

If you want to convert all tables into a required database, you can do it safely via phpMyAdmin.

1. Once the required database is started and selected, you can run the following query on it, after replacing database_name with the actual database name:


For example, this is what it will look like with the sakila database:

2. After submitting this query, you will see the list of all tables to convert to InnoDB.

3. Click + Options above the results, select Complete texts and click Plan your trip in the lower right corner of the screen.

4. Select the checkbox Show all and copy all queries using Copy negli appunti in the box Operations on query results .

5. Paste the results into the text editor and copy all lines starting with ALTER TABLE to the clipboard.

6. Click the SQL tab above the results and paste the ALTER TABLE statements into the text field, then click again Go . All tables in your database will be converted to InnoDB.

How to convert a single MyISAM table to InnoDB

To convert a specific table from MyISAM format to InnoDB format, you need to use the ALTER TABLE command in MySQL. This command allows you to modify the structure of the table, including the definition of the storage engine. Here's how to proceed:

Start by logging into your MySQL server and selecting the database that contains the table you want to convert. Once connected to the appropriate database, use the following command, replacing database_name e table_name respectively with the name of your database and the name of the table you intend to convert:

ALTER TABLE database_name.table_name ENGINE=InnoDB;

This command changes the storage engine of the specified table from MyISAM to InnoDB. It is important to note that while running this command, the table will be locked, so you will not be able to perform read or write operations on it until the process completes. So make sure you schedule this for a time when the impact on normal operations is minimal.

After executing the command, the selected table will have been converted to InnoDB, allowing you to benefit from the advanced features of this engine, such as transaction support, row-level locking and greater overall reliability.


In this article we have thoroughly explored the differences between InnoDB and MyISAM storage engines, two fundamental pillars of the MySQL world. Having a clear understanding of these differences not only helps you make informed decisions about managing your database, but also allows you to optimize the performance of your applications. Knowing the unique characteristics of each storage engine and their differences can have a significant impact on the day-to-day operations of your database.

We've seen how InnoDB excels at transactional operations, offering support for ACID properties, and how it is generally more reliable and scalable than MyISAM. At the same time, MyISAM has its advantages in terms of simplicity and reading speed, although it is less robust in terms of transaction management and reliability. The choice between InnoDB and MyISAM therefore should not be taken lightly, but should be based on a thorough analysis of your specific needs.

For those working with CMS or popular e-commerce platforms such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Prestashop or Magento, a crucial aspect to improve website performance is the transition from MyISAM tables to InnoDB. This step can significantly simplify database management and improve overall site performance.

If you are considering making this transition, but feel uncertain about how to proceed or fear that it may be a complex and risky task, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring that the conversion goes smoothly and that your website can fully benefit from the advanced features offered by InnoDB. Our experience and expertise in this field are at your complete disposal, to ensure that the transition is safe, efficient and as stress-free as possible.

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